PC-SIG: World of Education
PC-SiG's World of Education.iso
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230 lines
ab about
abv above
ac according
acc access
acr across
addl additional
addn addition
adj adjoin
adjg adjoining
af after
afn afternoon
afw afterward
ag again
agmt agreement
agst against
aka also known as
al also
alg along
alm almost
alr already
alth although
alw always
app apply
appn application
apr April
aug August
auth authority
ave avenue
b B-Edit
bec because
bef before
beh behind
bel below
ben beneath
bes beside
bet between
bey beyond
bl blind
bldg building
bng being
brl braille
c can
cd could
ch child
char character
chn children
co company
col column
concv conceive
concvg conceiving
cond condition
cont contain
contd contained
cor corner
cp corporation
ctr center
d do
dat1 {mmm} {dd}, {yyyy}
dcl declare
dclg declaring
dcv deceive
dcvg deceiving
dec December
decd deceased
decl declare
decln declaration
dist distance
divn division
doc document
docs documents
dt date
dtd dated
dur during
e every
ei either
eqp equipment
est establish
estd established
ex except
f for
fav favor
fea feature
feb February
fedl federal
fr from
fst first
g go
gd good
grt great
h have
herf herself
hgt height
hm him
hmf himself
hp Hexagon Products
ht height
hwy highway
imm immediate
incl include
inclv inclusive
inst install
int interest
j just
jan January
jud judge
judm judgment
jul July
jun June
k knowledge
l like
ll little
ln line
lns lines
loc locate
locd located
locn location
lr letter
m more
mar March
matl material
mch much
min minute
mk make
mntn maintain
mst must
mtg mortgage
myf myself
n not
nat nation
natl national
nec necessary
necly necessarily
necy necessary
nei neither
nov November
o of
oct October
onef oneself
oper operate
opern operation
ot of the
ou out
ourvs ourselves
p people
parl parallel
pd paid
percv perceive
percvg perceiving
perh perhaps
poss possible
possn possession
ppse purpose
ppty property
pt part
pub public
pubn publication
q quite
qk quick
r rather
rcv receive
rcvg receiving
rd road
rec record
repl replace
repld replaced
res residence
resp respect
respv respective
rjc rejoice
rjcg rejoicing
rr railroad
rsv reserve
rsvd reserved
rt right
s so
satn satisfaction
sch such
sd said
sec section
sep September
sh shall
shd should
st still
subj subject
t the
td today
tgr together
th that
themvs themselves
tm tomorrow
tn tonight
u us
und under
v very
w with
wd would
wh what
wi with
x it
xf itself
xs its
y you
yr your
yrf yourself
yrvs yourselves